Through the Looking Glass
Being severely myopic, my spectacles have always been an integral part of me. I started wearing them at a tender age, some time during lower primary and I am stuck with it ever since. I just had a new pair of spectacles today! It is slim and squarish and also brown to suit my hair colour. How do you like me wearing it?
My myopia has yet to stabilise and is currently registering at 775 degrees on the right and 400 degrees on the left with slight astigmatism on the left eye as well. Sounds like a case of lazy eye or the retribution of watching tv while lying on my right. I thought of making some of those frameless spectacles but the optometrist said the thickness of my lenses will show. For a person like me with such a high degree of short-sightedness, contact lenses are a god-send.
I started wearing contact lenses only towards the end of last year. I had so much difficulty putting them on at first that I always end up wearing back my glasses, feeling sad and dejected. It was a period of poking and rinsing before I got the hang of it and voila! The world is no longer through a looking glass where your world is filtered. Everything becomes clearer. The beauty of people and also the ugliness of them.
Sometimes, it is pleasurable to put on those rose-coloured glasses again to see people in a positive light. Focusing more on the beautiful side of things makes life easier on the whole. I have always had this ability of seeing the redeeming sides of people no matter what huge jerks others are saying about them. You should try it too. A person might seem detestable at first sight and has a serious character flaw that turns you off big time but only if you are patient and open-minded enough to see again, you might discover some amazing qualities that you missed.
No one can be so bad to a point that he does not deserve a second look.