iN wOnDeRLaNd... wE'rE aLL MaD...

"Would you tell me please which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't care where--" said Alice.
"Then it doesn't matter which way you go," said the Cat.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Were you a Fool?

Inaugurated today as an NUS undergrad. Nothing can be more official than a ceremony with corny pledges and funny professors donned in academic regalia. It could have been more magical like Harry Potter enrolling in Hogwarts if only there were medieval castles and hairy broomsticks. However, reality always fall short and the freshman inauguration ceremony is just a simple affair with its significance purely symbolic. It symbolises the start of a new phase, the beginning of university life.

Went to the ceremony with Pek, a rather interesting guy from my BMT days. I really have to thank him for accompanying me to school these few days. As I was previously from the Science stream, most of my friends do not become as radical as me to go to arts in university. Most of the guys from my unit are going to engineering as well. Thus, I am all alone to fend for myself.

Finally took out my tarot cards again. It has been some time since I practised it. I did three readings today, for Pek, Luke and his friend Zin whom I've just befriended. It has been a positive experience and I'm glad that I have not lost touch with tarot.

The Fool signifies new beginnings and the start of things. A perfect representation of today's inauguration. Pek also mentioned that he was like the Fool, the jester, always fooling around like a clown and prefers to remain as an observer of the action going on.

The Fool is one of my favourite cards as well. The Fool listens to his heart even if people accuses him of being silly. He is forthcoming and spontaneous and is a child at heart. He embraces uncertainty and will pursue his dreams despite the risks. I have always wanted to be like him.

I have always thought that I would be taking business admin at NUS, probably an influence from my sister. This time, I am following my heart like the fool. This time, I have decided on the course of my path even though it is unfamiliar. I am intending to major in psychology and I hope I have made the right choice.

Everyone started as fools you know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, a most remarkable reading of the Fool. Well, I guess I also have you to thank for listening to my rantings about life. Hope you will publish more often.


3:02 PM  

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